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Raman spectroscopy webinars

Learn more about Raman

Join us for one of our upcoming webinars where you can gain valuable insights from our worldwide team of applications scientists.

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Upcoming webinar: Correlative Raman spectroscopy and the characterisation of perovskite solar cells

To gain full sample characterisation, you can combine Raman microscopy with multiple analytical techniques. In this webinar, we discuss how correlative Raman spectroscopy can be used in multi-modal analysis. Raman analysis provides chemical and structural information, while being non-destructive and requiring very little sample preparation.

We will be joined by Dr Wing Chung Tsoi, from Swansea University, who will present his groundbreaking research on perovskite solar cells using correlated imaging modalities including Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, photocurrent and electroluminescence. Discover the importance of perovskites as a solar cell material, with key application context.

Tuesday 11th March:

8.00am Chicago (CDT) / 1.00pm London (GMT) / 2.00pm Berlin (CEST)

Wednesday 12th March:

1.00pm Chicago (CDT) / 6.00pm London (GMT) / 7.00pm Berlin (CEST)

Thursday 13th March:

7.00am London (GMT) / 3.00pm Beijing (CST) / 4.00pm Tokyo (JST)

Register now

Correlative Raman spectroscopy examples and inVia Qontor

Our live webinars typically last for around one hour including a question and answer session with our expert panel. All of our webinars will be made available to watch on demand shortly after.

Webinars: on demand