RSH3-2 stylus holder kit for RSP3-2

Product code: A-3061-2522

  • RSH3-2 stylus holder for RSP3-2
  • RSH3-2 stylus holder for RSP3-2

Price: $345.00

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The RSH3 range of stylus holders enables accurate scanning measurements with effective stylus lengths ranging from 20 mm - 394 mm. They have a kinematic coupling that connects to their respective RSP3 scanning probe to provide a repeatable connection that eliminates the need for probe requalification after a change. The stylus holders are designed to only fit with their respective RSP3 probe. They should be used with Renishaws M3 range of styli.

Part NumberDescriptionQuantity
stylus holder1
PA25-RSH3 port adapter1
A-5004-7583M3 stainless steel extension, L 20 mm1

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