



您可以使用拉曼分析所有半導體 (如矽、碳基、III-V's 和聚合物) 和超導體的特性,並產生其影像。可顯露各種資訊,包括:

  • 化學成分 (如複合半導體的合金部分)
  • 多型體 (如 4H-SiC 和 6H-SicC)
  • 張力/應力
  • 摻雜物濃度
  • 薄膜厚度
  • 晶體結構類型和方向
  • 晶體品質
  • 均勻性和純度
  • 裝置溫度



Renishaw 可將拉曼系統設定成所有使用者都適用,不論研究人員或技術人員都能順利使用。

Renishaw 拉曼系統可分析超大樣品。例如,您可以產生整個晶圓的影像,探索汙染物或殘留應力。

PL 特性分析
Renishaw 的拉曼系統也可讓您收集並分析光致發光 (PL) 光譜。只要透過單一儀器,就能收集震動和電子資訊。

將 Renishaw 的拉曼系統新增至您的生產線,執行有關品質控制的線上分析。提早診斷問題,減少浪費並提高良率。

Renishaw 的拉曼系統可產生高度可重複樣品資料,並且極具代表性。內建自動化校準和性能檢查功能,確保精確比較資料,不受收集時間影響。

碳化矽晶圓的 3D 拉曼圖





  • Application note:  Photocurrent measurements on the inVia™ confocal Raman microscope Application note: Photocurrent measurements on the inVia™ confocal Raman microscope [en]

    When light interacts with semiconducting materials it can induce electrical currents (‘photocurrents’). These currents carry information about the electronic, optical, and charge transport properties of the material. This information is complementary to that obtainable from Raman scattering, which can identify physical changes in the material properties. This application note demonstrates the capability to simultaneously collect Raman and photocurrent data using the photocurrent mapping module concurrently with an inVia Raman microscope.

  • Application note:  Analyse compound semiconductors with the inVia™ Raman microscope Application note: Analyse compound semiconductors with the inVia™ Raman microscope [en]

    Over the last decade compound semiconductors have attracted a great deal of attention because they offer properties suitable for next generation devices in a wide range of application areas. Historically, the fabrication of these devices has been hindered by material challenges. While these have mainly been conquered at the research level, problems still persist when scaling up to industrial production. Renishaw’s inVia Raman microscope is a non-invasive, non-destructive characterisation tool which provides sub-micrometre information on the vibrational, crystal and electronic structure of materials.

  • Application note:  Analyse silicon carbide (SiC) with the inVia Raman microscope Application note: Analyse silicon carbide (SiC) with the inVia Raman microscope [en]

    The properties of silicon carbide are highly dependent on its crystal structure (it can exist in many polytypes), on the quality of the crystal, and on the number and types of defects present. Manufacturers of silicon carbide raw material and devices need to monitor and control these attributes to enhance yield. The first step in controlling these parameters is to measure them repeatably and quantifiably. Renishaw’s Raman systems are ideal for this.

  • News release:  Identifying imperfections with Raman spectroscopy News release: Identifying imperfections with Raman spectroscopy [en]

    An article in Compound Semiconductor magazine, October 2015, describes how Raman spectroscopy allows routine mapping of SiC wafers in little more than an hour.


Renishaw inVia 贏得 2016 年 CS 產業大獎 (CS Industry Award 2016)

Renishaw 是全球化工程技術公司,很高興宣布公司的 inVia 拉曼顯微鏡產品,於度量衡類別獲得 2016 年 CS 產業大獎 (CS Industry Award 2016)。CS 產業大獎是由 Compound Semiconductor 雜誌籌辦,透過 www.compoundsemiconductor.net 網站投票票選,詳盡介紹複合半導體產業。

加州理工學院 (Caltech) 利用 inVia 努力解決全球能源問題

加州理工學院 (Caltech) 正肩負使命,尋找有效的全新方式生產太陽能燃料,其中僅使用陽光、水及二氧化碳。這項任務的重點在於研究光催化作用及光線擷取。