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Machine calibration and optimisation systems

Since we brought in the XK10, a single operator can complete the process in less than two hours, so the workforce can be allocated far more flexibly than before.
TAKAM Machinery Co., Ltd (China)
XK10 alignment laser system
Renishaw's XK10 alignment laser system has been developed for use during the build and alignment of machines. XK10 is also a powerful tool for diagnosing the source of errors following a collision or as part of regular maintenance.
XM-60 multi-axis calibrator
XM-60 is a laser measurement system capable of measuring errors in six degrees of freedom along a linear axis, simultaneously from a single set-up. It provides a powerful diagnostic tool to measure all geometric errors in the axis from a single capture.
XL-80 laser interferometer system
The Renishaw XL-80 laser interferometer offers the ultimate in high performance measurement and calibration for motion systems, including CMMs and machine tools.
QC20 ballbar
Ballbar testing provides a simple, rapid check of a CNC machine tool's positioning performance to recognised international standards. This allows users to benchmark and track the performance of their machines, and to quickly diagnose problems that may require maintenance and the error sources that produce them.
XR20 rotary axis calibrator
Quickly capture and analyse data from rotary axis measurement using the XR20 rotary axis calibrator.
With CARTO 3.0, the Renishaw XM-60 multi-axis calibrator can also be used with the XR20 rotary axis calibrator, providing one easy to use and intuitive software solution for all Renishaw laser calibration products.