


Productive Process Pyramid™(金字塔生產製程解決方案)後製程監控層著重於監控並報告此類活動 — 即能夠提供已完成的製程的結果與路徑資訊的活動。這些資訊型控制可用於影響後續活動。


金字塔生產製程解決方案 - 後製程監控

Productive Process Pyramid(金字塔生產製程解決方案)後製程監控層主要包括檢查製程和成品是否符合規格,同時記錄製程的路徑與結果。


製程追蹤記錄 …

  • 製程記錄 加工過程中發生的事件,例如製程參數、偏置或座標系的手動或自動修正
  • 對可能影響結果的製程所做的干預工作

機上量測評估能夠 …

  • OMV 在與金屬切削過程相同的環境條件下,檢測關鍵特徵
  • 提供可靠的加工過程穩定性

後製程控制報告可以 …

  • REVO®表面光潔度測頭 將工件的資料資訊記錄在文檔中
  • 對關鍵特徵尺寸進行歷史追蹤,用於監控工具機狀態和制定維護計畫



採用我們最新的5 軸量測技術,可使您的三次元量床 (CMM) 的工件量測速度提高兩倍。多功能檢具系統為大中批量工件提供快速的檢測和製程控制回饋。


Renishaw 的 REVO®、PH20 和 Equator™ 可建立快速且可追溯的工件加工合格報告,同時記錄切削加工的路徑與結果。


  • Educational article:  (AP400) Productive Process Pattern: Process reporting Educational article: (AP400) Productive Process Pattern: Process reporting [en]

    Productive Process Pattern™ from the post-process monitoring layer of the Productive Process Pyramid™. Most CNC control systems have the capability to send customised information through RS232 serial ports, an Ethernet connection, or to the hard disc of the CNC control. The reporting capability allows a traceable record of the ‘route’ used to manufacture a component to be stored along with the component inspection data. For example, it is possible to log any detail of machine updates, required re-machining, or tools that were broken.

  • Educational article:  (AP403) Productive Process Pattern: Critical feature reporting Educational article: (AP403) Productive Process Pattern: Critical feature reporting [en]

    Productive Process Pattern™ from the post-process monitoring layer of the Productive Process Pyramid™. Select the critical features which are to be measured and reported, according to a set of criteria. Features should be reported where the failure of a feature would be indicative of a more serious process fault (e.g. the final feature machined with each tool); or when the position or dimension of a feature is dependent on other measured features or ‘in process’ calculations.
