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Point distribution

The user can choose to measure 8, 16 or 24 points per circle in order to improve the repeatability of the analysis results.

  • The eight points, indicated as MCG point distribution red, are distributed every 45º.
  • With the 16 points per circle, an extra set of eight points, indicated as MCG blue point, is measured on the circle and is shifted by an angle. This angle is a parameter available on the 'Data' page of the 'MCG sequence' form.
  • With the 24 points per circle option, a second set of 8 points, indicated as MCG green point, is added but is shifted by an apposite angle.

Data distribution for the three options:

Number of points


8 points per circle:

MCG point distribution red

16 points per circle:

MCG point distribution redMCG blue point

24 points per circle:

MCG point distribution redMCG blue pointMCG green point

Data distribution on the sphere:

MCG data distribution on sphere