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Business Partner Code of Conduct

We are committed to doing business responsibly, and in a way that is in line with our purpose and core values of innovation, inspiration, integrity and involvement.

That's why Renishaw operates within a Code of Conduct. This document is a summary of the Code as it applies to Renishaw itself as well as to Renishaw's customers, intermediaries, and supply partners (“Business Partners”).

Business Partner Responsibilities

Renishaw expects its business partners to:

  • Uphold high standards of ethical conduct with Renishaw and other third parties.
  • Understand and adhere to the principles of the Code of Conduct, or the business partner's equivalent code.
  • Respect and protect Renishaw's brand, reputation, information, and assets.

We have an external, confidential whistleblowing service, Speak Up, that can be used to raise any concerns about a possible violation of the Code, our policies or the law.

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