Bioteknik och medicin
Raman-spektroskopi används framgångsrikt vid analys av celler och vävnad från människor, djur och växter.
- Bioprocesser
- Strukturell analys av protein/peptid
- Mikrobiologi
- Medicintillförsel in vitro och in vivo
- Cancerforskning/patologi
- Redox-biologi
- Regenerativ medicin
- Åldrande och neurodegenerativa sjukdomar,
- Biobränsle och agrikulturell forskning
- Lipidemi
- Metabolomik
- Utvecklingsbiologi
- Reproduktiv biologi
- Virologi
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Kontakta vårt applikationsteamWebbkonferens – Resonance Raman-spektroskopi för redox-biologiforskning
Resonance Raman (RR)-spektroskopi är det idealiska verktyget för redox-biologiforskning. Det har inte bara hög känslighet för haem-proteiner, det kan också klargöra deras oxidations- och syresättningsstatus in situ (lösning, organeller, celler och vävnader). RR-avbildning ger både kemisk och spatial information, viket möjliggör att korrelationer mellan haem-proteindistribution, oxidationsstatus och protein/cell-funktion görs.
Se webbkonferensenNedladdningar: Bioteknik och medicin
Brochure: Biological analysis using Raman spectroscopy and imaging [en]
The domain of biological research is shaped by our ability to peer into the world of the small. Simply seeing microscopic biological samples is useful, but by utilising Raman spectroscopy we can surpass sight into the molecular realm… and beyond! Download this brochure to discover the wealth of biological applications made possible by Renishaw's Raman systems.
Application note: Redox biology with the inVia confocal Raman microscope [it]
Raman spectroscopy is sensitive to the presence of haem proteins and is ideal for studying their redox biology, without the need for isolation or staining. The redox of haem proteins is closely linked to their protein functions – oxygen transport and storage, electron transport, and scavenging of free radicals. By using Raman spectroscopy to elucidate redox states within biological systems, researchers can study redox dynamics and its effects on health regulation and diseases.
Application note: Raman imaging for biological applications. No stains. No labels. [en]
Raman spectroscopy is an information-rich, label-free, non-invasive imaging technique that is ideal for life sciences research. It uses laser light scattering to provide a chemical fingerprint at each point of the analysed area and identifies the molecules present in samples.
Product note: Microplate mapping with Renishaw Raman system's [en]
Renishaw’s microplate mapping package enables researchers to use Renishaw’s Raman spectroscopy products to rapidly and easily analyse material contained in microplates.
Raman chemical imaging for life sciences [en]
Short movie to demonstrate the benefits of using the inVia confocal Raman microscope for powerful, flexible, Raman Imaging for life sciences applications.