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Q&A - Shareholder specific

Questions and answers about Renishaw

What is the Company's registered address and number?

New Mills
GL12 8JR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 01453 524524
The registered number of the Company is: 01106260

How can I contact the Company Secretary or Head of Communications?

In order to contact the Company Secretary or Head of Communications please use the below email addresses:

Kasim Hussain (General Counsel & Company Secretary) -

Chris Pockett (Head of Communications) -

How do I contact the Renishaw registrars?

Equiniti Limited

Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA, UK

Tel: 0371 384 2169 (UK callers) or + 44 121 415 7047 (international callers)


Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. Lines open 8:30am to 5:30pm (UK time), Monday to Friday (excluding English and Welsh public holidays).

What shareholding issues should I contact the registrars about?

• managing your shareholding online
• checking your holding balance
• transferring your shares
• notifying a change of address
• payment of dividends
• notifying a change of bank details
• notifying the death of a shareholder
• reporting a lost, stolen or destroyed certificate
• information about voting by proxy

Will I receive a copy of the interim report?

In line with the practice of many leading companies and with our wish to encourage the use of electronic communications and reduce costs, with effect from 2003, the Company no longer prints and distributes an Interim Report. The interim results are, however, available to download in Financial Presentations.

Do you have shareholder meetings?

Each year you will be eligible to attend Renishaw's Annual General Meeting (AGM) normally held in October. If there is a particularly important matter to decide that cannot wait until the next AGM, shareholders may be called to an Extraordinary General Meeting.

What happens at the Annual General Meeting?

The Annual General Meeting is the main shareholder event of the year. The meeting reviews Renishaw's performance over the past year and provides an opportunity for shareholders to ask questions and vote on key issues. These include, for example, the approval of the Annual Report, the election of directors and the re-election of auditors. Shareholders have the opportunity to ask questions relating to the items on to the meeting agenda.
Shareholders will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the Company and its activities. There may also be special business to vote on, for example, proposals to change the Company's Articles of Association, which govern the Company's activities.

What if I cannot attend the Annual General Meeting?

If you cannot attend the meeting in person, you can still express your views on the matters for discussion at the meeting. Before the meeting, if your shares are registered in your own name, we will send you a proxy form. On the form you should indicate whether you vote for or against each of the items (resolutions) due to be decided at the meeting or withhold your vote. You may also use the form to appoint the Chairman of the meeting, to cast your proxy vote the way you want, or to vote at the Chairman's discretion. Alternatively, you may name someone else to go to the meeting and vote for you – your proxy. If your shares are registered in the name of your nominee, the nominee will receive the proxy form and you will not receive company communications such as the annual report.
The proxy votes and those cast in person at the meeting are counted by the Registrars.

What are dividends?

Dividends are payments the company makes from the company's distributable reserves to shareholders twice per year.

What does 'ex-dividend' mean?

Before announcing each dividend and in consultation with the London Stock Exchange, we set a date on which our shares will be traded without entitlement to the dividend. This is known as going 'ex-dividend'. Before that date they are said to be 'cum dividend'.

If you buy shares before the ex-dividend date you are entitled to receive the dividend recently announced. If you buy on or after that date, in the ex-dividend period, that dividend is payable to the previous owner.

If you receive a dividend having recently sold your shares and are unsure whether you are entitled to it, contact the agent who acted on your behalf in the sale. Depending on the terms of the sale, the dividend may be due to the new owner.

When will I receive my next dividend payment?

Details of the upcoming dividend payment dates can be found at Financial Calendar.

Can I choose how to receive my dividend payment?

Shareholders can choose by contacting our Share Registrars to receive cash dividends by cheque or directly to their bank account.
Renishaw does not operate a DRIP or SCRIP dividend re-investment programme whereby shareholders can obtain dividends as shares since given the small percentage of private investors who might be interested and the annual costs involved, the costs outweigh the benefits for a small number of shareholders.

As an alternative to receiving paper copies, can I choose to receive Company documentation in an electronic format?

No, having considered the requirements of our shareholder base and current print run there does not appear to be sufficient demand for this service to warrant a change or process with resultant cost.

Why don't I receive shareholder mailings?

You will not receive personal mailings if you have a nominee holding through an ISA or brokerage account. This is because you are not named on the Renishaw share register and do not have a share certificate. Contact your ISA provider or broker to obtain a statement of holding, receive annual reports, or vote at general meetings.
If you have a joint shareholding, and are not the first-named shareholder on the register, you may not receive mailings in your name. Shareholder communications are normally sent to the first-named shareholder only.

Why have I received more than one Annual Report? How can I stop this?

This is probably because you have more than one shareholding. You can amalgamate your holdings free of charge by writing to our Registrars, Equiniti, and quoting the Shareholder Reference Number for each holding. However, you cannot amalgamate a sole holding with a joint holding.

What should I do if I suspect a scam?

If you are approached about a share scam, you should tell the FCA using the share fraud reporting form at This web site also provides information about the latest investment scams and how to recognise them. You can also call the Consumer Helpline on 0800 111 6768 (freephone) from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. If you are outside the UK call +44 20 7066 1000.

What happens if a shareholder dies?

Contact our Registrars, Equiniti, for documentation and advice.

What should I do if I change my name?

Notify a name change to our Registrars, Equiniti in writing and provide evidence such as a copy of your marriage certificate or change of name by deed poll. You will also need to send your share certificate(s) for amendment.

How can I transfer my shares?

If you wish to transfer shares into the name of another person or party, you may arrange a non-market transfer. Contact our Registrars, Equiniti, for documentation and advice. They will send you a Stock Transfer Form for completion. Once received, forward the completed form to the relevant Equiniti office together with the relevant share certificate(s).

Am I entitled to any shareholder benefits?

Yes, as a shareholder you are entitled to discounts on package holidays booked through our wholly owned subsidiary Wotton Travel (WTL). Click here for more details.