TM25-20 touch-trigger probe module adaptor kit #1 (includes 1 x TM25-20, 2 x TP20 SF modules)

Product code: A-2237-1201

Price: $5,477.00

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The SP25M comprises two sensors in a single housing. Users can switch between a choice of five scanning modules (which can carry M3 styli with lengths from 20 mm to 400 mm) and an adaptor module that is compatible with Renishaw's TP20 range of probe modules. This capability enables scanning and touch-trigger probing in a single probe system.

Using SP25M as a scanning probe

Range of modules designed to provide optimised scanning performance over their specified stylus length ranges:

  • SM25-1 / 2 / 3 / 4 recommended for use with linear stylus arrangements
  • SM25-5 recommended for use with non-linear and star stylus arrangements

Using SP25M as a touch-trigger probe

  • TM25-20 TTP adaptor module (to carry TP20 modules)
  • For rapid touch-trigger measurements
  • Compatible with the full range of TP20 stylus modules

Technical documentation

  • SP25M compact scanning probe system SP25M compact scanning probe system
Part NumberDescriptionQuantity
A-2237-0481TM25-20 adaptor module1
A-1371-0270TP20 standard force module2

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